Review / Testimonial - by Student
This is my experience with belly dance yoga as i describe it here. I am 38 years old and a mother of 3 , had not exercised since years. I joint the gym and had a bad experience pulling my back muscles. I suffered from terrible back problems and horrible pains for a couple of years and was totally demotivated to fitness. My sister in law was going for the belly dance yoga workshop by belly dance institute Mumbai and said i should try it. I was reluctant for the same but somehow i ended up at the workshop. I had done several physiotherapy sessions for my back and done several tests and X-rays but the pain would just never go. Finally at this workshop, the' mind and body connection exercise' that Ritambhara Sahni made us do and the understanding of core muscles and the importance of yoga in belly dance flexibility got me crazy to belly dance. Even watching Ritambhara belly dance on her own was enough for me to get mesmerized to belly dance. I asked her and the instructors at belly dance institute Mumbai if belly dance would affect my back and my back issues from bad to worse. the 1st question they asked me was that what did the doctor say ? - and i said my doctor says i can do all workouts. So they said it was ok to join. However they said i should do it for a month 1st and take my decision after the current class. I did want to give belly dance a shot as i loved it and the way Ritambhara conducted the yoga workshop was outstanding. it was peaceful in the mind , body and soul. Its been six months as of today 22nd December 2016 and i can say my pain has gone. I don't know if its yoga, if its belly dance but i can surly say its a combination of both and i am relieved. This is my story.....If belly dance interests you and you enjoy yoga too....i feel yoga belly dance is a great way to find peace and bliss in mind , body and soul. - Nikki Kapoor
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belly dance institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni on belly dance yoga |
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belly dance institute mumbai - belly dance and yoga |
by Ritambhara Sahni
Also read ... Belly Dance And its Health Benefits by Ritambhara Sahni
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Ritambhara Sahni belly dance and yoga |
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Belly dance and yoga with Ritambhara Sahni |
Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation)
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Belly Dance and Yoga with Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni |
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Belly Dance and Yoga with Belly Dance Institute Mumbai |
Targets: Links the breath to movement, spinal articulation
Best done on an empty stomach, this is a great way to start the day and is the complete body exercise that fits the ‘busy bees’ time crunch. Ritambhara suggests this for a belly dance warm up, that will lubricate and increase the blood flow to the joints. When done at a fast momentum, suryanamaskar is a wonderful cardiovascular workout but when practiced at a relaxed pace, the postures help tone the muscles in a very soothing and meditative manner. The complete body workout balances the endocrine system with a breathing technique that strengthens the heart and lungs, whereby building your overall stamina.
Parivatta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle)
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Yoga for belly dance by Ritambhara Sahni |
Targets: Obliques, Verebral column, hamstring, calf, thighs
This asana is probably best represented as the union of yin and yang of the body, wherein a balance is met between effort and ease, expanding and contracting, posture and agility. Emphasis is laid on an accurate alignment, which when done right enhances the posture and can enhance flexibility while establishing a balance both physically and energetically. Implementing this exercise in your belly dance regimen will improve the hip techniques and movement synchronizations.
Balasana (Childs Pose)
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Yoga for belly dance by Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni |
Targets: Spine, neck, Shoulders, Pelvic muscles
As you bend over with your hands outstretched, balasana resembles the fetal position. The resting posture focuses on the thighs and aids in alleviating back pains. When this asana is performed with a full gravitational pull, the tendons, muscles and ligaments in the knee areas are thoroughly stretched and made ready for the dance. In belly dancing it’s important to maintain a relaxed posture while dancing. Balasana encourages the right way of breathing as the torso is stretched whereby calming both the body and the mind.
Ardha Uttanasana (Half Intense Stretch Pose)
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Yoga for belly dance by Belly Dance Institute Mumbai |
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Belly Dance Class in Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni |
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Belly Dance Classes in Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni |
Targets: Hamstring, back, arms, torso
This pose is an essential element in stretching and rejuvenating the spine and legs, upon which most of the belly dance techniques revolve around. Practicing this pose stimulates the abdominal organs and belly while strengthening and lengthening the front and back torso. As you drop your head to your knees, the blood rushes to the brain and flexes the neck muscles that are used during the neck isolations. Ardha Uttanasana can be incorporated during the breaks you take during the belly dance practice for a good stretch that will help you relax too.
Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
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Ritambhara Sahni's Institute for belly dance and yoga |
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Belly Dance in Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni |
Targets: Hip flexors, calf muscles, ankles and back
Sitting on an imaginary chair can be daunting and may take a while to master, but this is ideal to develop the stamina the legs require for the shimmy and hip movements. While strengthening the lower back and torso, it also tones the thigh, leg, ankle and knee muscles. The body stays balanced and a determination is brought to the mind. Utkatasana literally translates as The Powerful Pose, which is signified by the strength it takes to execute the steps. But mostly what it gives to the belly dancer is a powerful posture and a determination in every step which makes the dance all the more striking.
Virabhadrasana I (warrior I )
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Belly Dance Institute Mumbai |
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Ritambhara belly danc |
Targets: front and back torso, hips
Beneficial for all those with sedentary deskbound jobs and belly dancers alike, the warrior pose releases the stress in frozen shoulders and improves the body balance. Regular practice of Virabhadrasana will increase the flexibility in the hips and tones the legs. In this asana we get a twist for the spine, while opening the shoulders and hips, whereby preparing the body for backbends and camel backs. Practicing the different alignment cues and yet staying with the breath can be a juggle but will help train the mind in blending different complex techniques in a belly dance choreography eventually.
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Ritambhara Sahni belly dance |
The 1st ever belly dance class in Mumbai since 2005
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Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni - Website
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Ritambhara Sahni Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - KHAR
Ritambhara Sahni Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - ANDHERI
Ritambhara Sahni on Zee News
Ritambhara Sahni on Star News - Her interview on Star News When Katrina Kaif was injured
INDIA'S 1ST FLASH MOB by Ritambhara Sahni
Ritambhara Sahni trains Jacqueline Fernandes in Belly Dance and Tribal Belly Dance Fusion
Ritambhara Sahni's Institute
Ritambhara Sahni - interview in the Afternoon News - Jelly Belly
Hindustan Times - our article
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni - in DNA NEWS- Belly Dance in South Bombay
Ritambhara Sahni Belly Dance Institute Mumbai in Times Of India - Belly Dance Now Getting Popular in Weddings
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Testimonials
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Testimonial by student Pooja
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - Testimonials by students Fatima
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Testimonial
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Testimonial by student Seher
Ritambhara Sahni Reviews
Ritambhara Sahni Review by student Vaishali
Ritambhara Sahni Reviews by student Roksana
Ritambhara Sahni Review by student Devlina
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonials
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonial by student Arpita
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonials by students Jinal
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonial by student Bhakti
Ritambhara Belly Dance
Ritambhara Belly Dance Classes in Mumbai
Belly Dance Class in Mumbai
- centers
Ritambhara Sahni Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - COLABA
Ritambhara Sahni Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - BANDRA
Ritambhara Sahni Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - KHAR
Ritambhara Sahni Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - ANDHERI
Ritambhara Sahni on Zee News
Ritambhara Sahni on Star News - Her interview on Star News When Katrina Kaif was injured
INDIA'S 1ST FLASH MOB by Ritambhara Sahni
Ritambhara Sahni trains Jacqueline Fernandes in Belly Dance and Tribal Belly Dance Fusion
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni
Ritambhara Sahni's Institute
Ritambhara Sahni - interview in the Afternoon News - Jelly Belly
Hindustan Times - our article
Times Of India - i diva Belly Dance and Its Health Benefits by Ritambhara Sahni
Bombay Times - Ritambhara Sahni - Her article on Sh'bam Fitness
Bombay Times - Ritambhara Sahni of Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - interview on 'Dance workouts that keep you party fit'
Belly Dance Your way to A Flat Stomach - write up in Bombay times
Harmony Magazine - our article
Bombay Times - Ritambhara Sahni - Her article on Sh'bam Fitness
Bombay Times - Ritambhara Sahni of Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - interview on 'Dance workouts that keep you party fit'
Belly Dance Your way to A Flat Stomach - write up in Bombay times
Harmony Magazine - our article
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni - in DNA NEWS- Belly Dance in South Bombay
Ritambhara Sahni Belly Dance Institute Mumbai in Times Of India - Belly Dance Now Getting Popular in Weddings
About Ritambhara Sahni and her Articles-click on the following links to read
20 reasons to belly dance today by Ritambhara Sahni
7 Things About Your 1st Belly Dance Performance by Ritambhara Sahni
Belly Dance And its Health Benefits by Ritambhara Sahni
Belly Dance and Yoga - Interesting Article by Ritambhara Sahni
5 types of belly dance styles by Ritambhara Sahni
Ritambhara Sahni - A Brief Self Profile
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Reviews
Click on the following links to view
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Reviews
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Review -- by student Purvi
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Reviews - by student Dr. Suchitra
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Review
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Review ---by Dr. Bela
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai reviews --- by Valencia
Ritambhara Sahni Review
7 Things About Your 1st Belly Dance Performance by Ritambhara Sahni
Belly Dance And its Health Benefits by Ritambhara Sahni
Belly Dance and Yoga - Interesting Article by Ritambhara Sahni
5 types of belly dance styles by Ritambhara Sahni
Ritambhara Sahni - A Brief Self Profile
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Reviews
Click on the following links to view
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Reviews
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Review -- by student Purvi
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Reviews - by student Dr. Suchitra
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Review
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Review ---by Dr. Bela
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai reviews --- by Valencia
Ritambhara Sahni Review
Review by Students - click on the following links to read
Review on Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni - by Our student - Rinky
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonial
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonial
Testimonial by Students - click on the following links to read
Testimonial on Ritambhara Sahni's Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Sangita Shetty - Our Student
ABOUT BELLY DANCE INSTITUTE MUMBAI - Student information - click on the following links to read
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni -Frequently Asked Questions
All About Our Beginners Course - Belly Dance Institute Mumbai
Ritambhara Sahni on Belly Dance Belts ,
Accessories, Costumes and Props
Ritambhara Sahni - Belly Dance Belts Mumbai
Belly Dance Belts, Costumes, Props etc
Belly Dance Belt in Mumbai , Costume and props
All About Our Beginners Course - Belly Dance Institute Mumbai
Accessories, Costumes and Props
Ritambhara Sahni - Belly Dance Belts Mumbai
Belly Dance Belts, Costumes, Props etc
Belly Dance Belt in Mumbai , Costume and props
Some more Blog links to Ritambhara Sahni and Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai - Blog - Ritambhara Sahni articles and the institute
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Blogs
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Blogs
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Testimonials
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Testimonial by student Pooja
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Testimonial
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai Testimonial by student Seher
Ritambhara Sahni Reviews
Ritambhara Sahni Review by student Vaishali
Ritambhara Sahni Reviews by student Roksana
Ritambhara Sahni Review by student Devlina
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonials
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonial by student Arpita
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonials by students Jinal
Ritambhara Sahni Testimonial by student Bhakti
Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni
centers at Colaba, Bandra , Khar and Andheri
Ritambhara Sahni
acted in T.V serials - here are a few links -
Belly dance institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni ...A great belly dance class in Mumbai. A belly dance class that was the 1st of its kind to start here in Mumbai for belly dance and has pulled on strong eversince. Ritambhara Sahni has been teaching eversince 1998 and i must say her experience as a dance instructor shows. It is always so nice to read your articles and coming in Bombay Times is always something else i must say. I love it each time you are written about in the news as it makes me so proud to be your student and know you that closely.I love everything that you post in your blogs and i follow each and every blog of Ritambhara Sahni belly dance. I always really wanted to share my experience with the world about my best belly dance class in Mumbai and i guess this is the right place to put down my review or my testimonial on Belly Dance Institute Mumbai by Ritambhara Sahni. So,I've always wanted to dance but I never could! I was awkward and clumsy even while dancing in a club where the lights were dim. Ugh! But I really loved to move to the groovy music. How can one sit when an awesome music is playing I never Really could decipher. Tired of being a laughing stock, I decided to join a belly dance institute after having read an article at the times newspaper.I always have trusted reviews and testimonials written by the Times of India and they recommended her absolutely. Belly dance institute Mumbai by Ritambhara sahni now had the challenge of making me a belly dancer. When I voiced this to Ritambhara sahni, she gleefully smiled and said challenge accepted! �� True to her word, in 3 weeks, with rigorous practice and precise learning techniques, I had learnt the fundamentals of belly dance. With the assistance of an adept dance trainer working at the belly dance institute Mumbai by Ritambhara sahni, I had learnt the body language of belly dance too. The dance classes were also supremely fun and the people I've met here are passionate, funny and full of mischief! Learning an intense dance like belly dance could not have been made more fun! My friends, and foremost I , saw the striking difference the few weeks had made. In 3 months I could not just dance.... I could belly dance! How awesome is that! My batchmates as well 3 weeks down the line have similar reviews and testimonials of theirs just like mine on Belly Dance Institute Mumbai. Also not to forget...we attended at all venues- Ritambhara belly dance classes in andheri west, Ritambhara Belly dance classes in Khar west, bandra west and colaba which made us so perfect. Love Ritambhara Sahni's Institute and Belly dance Institute Mumbai is the best belly dance class in Mumbai.